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Ida Kiss receives the BCSDH award

Ida Kiss receives the BCSDH award

An award was presented by the BCSDH – (Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary), which was Ida Kiss, design director of DVM group, was awarded the Leading Woman Award 2022.

On 13 October 2022, the BCSDH Sustainable Future 2022 Awards were presented to Ida Kiss, the design director of the Business Group for Sustainable Development (BCSDH), who won the category Leading Woman. Established 6 years ago, the awards are given to business leaders who go beyond their own areas of expertise, who are committed to sustainability and who not only drive change within their organisation, but inspire their environment to move forward systemically.

The competition showcased a personal portfolio of sustainability-driven elements that exemplify not only the activities but also the personality of Ida Kiss as a visionary role model. As an architect, Ida Kiss – in collaboration with her colleagues – strives to apply innovative and environmentally conscious solutions and is guided by this approach in both her designs and the projects she creates. In her statements, interviews, lectures, round tables and podcasts, she is a leader who is constantly exploring forward-looking opportunities for sustainable development and who brings them to her colleagues in regular knowledge-sharing sessions, and then incorporates them into finished projects through her creative processes.

Alongside her previous studies in urban design, she has also worked on the livable design of cities and the environmental integration of architecture and urban life. Here’s how: “Cities are complex structures providing not just the architectural and infrastructural background of our lives, but also accommodate businesses and institutions. The urban design of a city has a high influence on the potential for prosperity and inclusivity that are the essence of a good quality of life for our urban dwellers,” Kiss argues.

She applies the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) approach consistently in her daily work. He sees ESG certification, which has received widespread attention, as a key driver for the future, and sustainability issues will have a significant impact on real estate development. “The scheme, though, still lacks some clear benchmarking and therefore can be subject to creative application. Green building certifications can be incorporated into the ESG rating scheme and be reported as part of an efficient building stock that contributes to a better performance in terms of carbon impact,” she comments. “Sustainability rating has become an essential component of any commercial real estate development. Nevertheless, the actual environmental performance and energy efficiency of a building cannot be clearly connected to the rating level of a building as costs are strong drivers for the selection of technical solutions,” she adds.

With this award, the BCSDH has honoured Ida Kiss for her professional career and human commitment, which is exemplary and not only worthy of recognition in her wider environment. After the award ceremony, Ida commented on social media: I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this inspiring community and I am honoured to have received the Leading Women award ‘For a Sustainable Future’.


Read the full BCSDH news here: https://bcsdh.hu/en/news/the-2022-for-a-sustainable-future-awards-have-been-announced/