The “Office of the Year” competition series brought significant recognition to DVM group. The market expert and business jury also selected DVM group as the best in two categories, and several recently completed projects of the company were also awarded.
This year, the eleven-year-long series of the competiton broke all entry records, generating extremely tight scores among the best companies and offices of the real estate market. Among the projects of DVM group,’s new office was a finalist in the design category, and thanks to its environmentally conscious interior design, bp’s new headquarters earned the “Sustainable Office of the Year” category victory.
According to Tibor Massányi, managing partner of DVM group: “Every year we are active participants in the Office of the Year competition, with quite a few category victories and grand prizes. DVM group provides integrated construction and architectural services, so it is a great pleasure for us to have earned the titles of “Construction Company of the Year” and “Interior Design Company of the Year”. We are honored to have this confirmation from the office market. Big thanks to the team, our customers and our partners for working together to achieve this milestone.”